Doesn’t matter if you chose the Digital Nomad life, or if the Digital Nomad Life chose you, finding a coworking spot when you're on the road can be a lifesaver. Knowing you have access to fast WiFi, clean bathrooms, free coffee, and a cozy-comfy place to get stuff done removes a big unknown and definitely makes you more productive.
If you’re still skeptical about this, below we outline a few reasons CoWorking supports Digital Nomads.

ONE- Knowing you have a place to work rather than hoping your airbnb has decent wifi can be the difference between a stressful day and a productive one. Yes, this lifestyle is supposed to be about spontaneity and new experiences, but if you also have deadlines and people counting on you, a dose of predictability can never hurt.
Bonus points for scoping it out ahead of day one.
TWO- You’ll meet new people. This is part of why you travel in the first place. If you’re exploring the far-flung reaches of the planet, you are more likely to find your people at a coworking spot.
THREE- The perks. Like free coffee, free snacks, bottled/filtered water, beverages, cozy hangout spots…and of course, clean bathrooms.
BONUS LPT: Before launching, find a coworking office that offers virtual mail. It’ll make keeping on top of bills and other correspondence a billion times easier. You can check mail online from anywhere and even get copies of items right in your email inbox. If needed, you can have mail physically forwarded to you at a coworking office when you’re on the road. It just takes a little advance planning, but it’s likely your chosen spot has done this dozens of times before.
NWA Workplaces offers virtual mail, as well as all the above mentioned things that make traveling and working possible. If you’re planning a mountain bike trip to Bentonville, talk to us first. Our Community Manager has been riding these trails for ten years now and knows all the best spots to ride, eat, and sleep, as well as the best desk in the house to #gsd.