Looking for an inviting place to host your next staff meeting, group on-boarding, or planning session? Our Large Conference Room is situated in north Bentonville/south Bella Vista, easily accessible by car or bike, and ready to host your group up to 14 people, plus your presenter.

We met our large room a couple posts ago. Let's look a little deeper into this workspace.
This space is part of our coworking and flexspace facility at 3604 NW Frontage Rd, suite 6. Members get a generous allotment of hours each month to use as they see fit: meetings, lunch-and-learns, closings, trainings, or just as a change of scenery for everyday work. When your allotment is used up, future use is billed at a 15% discount. Side note: there are two meeting rooms at Frontage Rd.

Nonmembers are welcome to book the space during our normal business hours of 8-5, Monday-Friday, federal holidays excepted. Space can be booked by the hour, or for the best value, meetings longer than 4 hours are billed at the full day rate, which is about half what the hourly rate would be for all 8 hours.

In each of our conference spaces, you’ll find a generously sized monitor/TV on one wall, and a dry-erase board on the other. Connection to the TV is by HDMI (Mac) or wirelessly (PC). Instructions are posted in each room. Just look for the QR code, which will take you to Samsung’s YouTube page, which will tell you step-by-step how to connect.
Booking is easy - just go to our website, choose your facility, and click BOOK NOW.
As always, we’re here to help if you have any questions or problems while booking. You can email us, text, call, or complete the form below.